
Installation instructions are described in the manual.

Diversity Analyzer

Diversity Analyzer takes full-length sequences of adaptive immune receptors as an input. Tool expects that input sequences cover entire variable regions of antibody or TCR: from the start of V segment to the end of J segment. Tool is able to process raw Rep-seq libraries, as well as constructed repertoires.

To launch DiversityAnalyzer, type:


For further details, please visit Diversity Analyzer page.


IgEvolution performs simultaneous repertoire and clonal tree reconstruction of a Rep-seq library taken from an antibody repertoire. To run IgEvolution, first run DiversityAnalyzer and then provide the resulting output directory as an input:


For further details, please visit IgEvolution page.


IgScout performs de novo inference of immunoglobulin D (diversity genes) using Rep-seq data, computes usage of D genes, and identifies CDR3s with tandem fusion of D-D genes. IgScout takes CDR3 sequences in FASTA format as an input and reports candidates for inferred D genes:

python -i cdr3s.fasta -o IGSCOUT_OUTPUT_DIR

For further details, please look at the manual.

Citation and feedback

If you have any questions or troubles with running ImmunoTools, please contact Yana Safonova. We also will be happy to hear your suggestions about improvement of our tools!